ChatGPT Update:
How Generative AI Models are Changing the Face of Information Security 

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AI technology is moving at a faster pace than anyone anticipated.  

This spring, we brought in Trustwave SpiderLabs Senior Security Research Manager, Karl Sigler, to explore the AI threat landscape and the role of natural language processing in mitigating risks.  

Building on the success of our initial ChatGPT research, Karl will provide an updated perspective on the advancements made over the past several months. He'll explore how the AI landscape has matured, revealing novel challenges and opportunities for information security staff.  

During the session, we’ll break down: 

  • The difference between various AI models 
  • How good guys and bad guys are leveraging AI
  • Attacks directed at ChatGPT 
  • How Trustwave uses generative AI, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning to protect our customers 

This is a critical webinar for all cyber security practitioners to gain valuable insights into the dynamic world of generative AI and how it impacts the realm of digital security. Join us to discover the latest strategies and solutions that can empower your organization to stay ahead in the ever-changing landscape of generative AI-driven challenges.  

Reserve your spot now!   

ChatGPT Update: How Generative AI Models are Changing the Face of Information Security
Tuesday, August 22, 2023 at 9:00am CDT | 3:00pm BST




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